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Machine Learning in the Business Sector

Prof. Teena Varma, Lenora Silveira


Machine learning is all algorithm-based models being primarily built using statistical techniques and theoretical computer science, models are ‘trained’ based on experience to become better at their assigned tasks through iterations of inputs and data and gain the desired accuracy. Inevitably machine learning is starting to influence our daily lives to an extent of which we cannot even predict.ML has enabled new applications and uses difficult cases, by traditional programming. Some applications of machine learning widely used today are language translation, image recognition. Hbased application of machine learning is growing its roots in the world of business also. Machine learning is seen more as an assistive tool rather than a replacement for human intelligence to help bring forth the aftermath of certain actions for a smooth decision-making process. ML algorithms use discovered data to help organizations improve their situations with as many calculations as possible. Through these, the machines learn tasks of time-intensive data entry and documentation. Hence it is facilitating faster and larger changes in business models than previously predicted by anyone in this field of work. It also helps personalize individuals’ shopping experiences and develop customized targeted marketing campaigns.

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