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Smart Quality Monitoring Framework for Food Grain Storage Using IoT

Suhas G K


The average yield of food grains in India is about 1,500 kg/ha, which is lower than the world average of 2,000 kg/ha. The distribution of food grains is also very uneven in India. About one-fourthof the population is food insecure, while about one- third of the food grains are wasted in storage and in the supply chain. The main causes of low food production and food insecurity in India are poverty, lack of irrigation, lack of technology, and poor management. There is a great variation in the production of food grains in India from one state to another. The states in Eastern and Northeastern India are generally characterized by high production of food grains, while the states in Southern and Western India are characterized by low production. The highest proportion of losses (43%) occurs during storage. This is because of the lack of proper storage facilities and the improper storage practices followed by the farmers. The proportion of losses due to harvesting, transportation, and marketing is very small. Hence, we proposed an Smart Quality Monitoring System for food grain storage using IOT is one such device helps monitoring the stored produce, the percentage of loss can be reduced.

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