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An Approach to Defeat Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack

Md. Meraj Ali, Rahamatullah Azmain


Distributed denial of service attack is a common scenario now a days. High profile internet server always been a target of DDoS. In recent years, the increasing rate of DDoS attack is alarming which a threat to a growing business is. In this paper, I propose a technique for protecting an internet server from distributed denial of service attack. The algorithm is based on weight-based throttling at the upstream router. In this case, the traffic destined for the server are controlled by leaky buckets which is installed on every router. The server load is used as the maximum throttle rate. The algorithm deals with the both maximum and minimum traffic rate. As the server load is fixed, so maximum throttle value remains unchanged. So, the server guaranteed to work. Basically, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks exhaust victim’s bandwidth. In this approach, my main goal was to improve the performance of the network and highest utilization of the bandwidth. So, I tried to ensure that, the defense mechanism doesn’t harm the efficiency and performance of the network.

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