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Attendance Monitoring System Using Facial Recognition with Gender Identification

Hajira Nazar, Jishnu J, Lekshmi Jayadevan, Sanuf Thaj, Anish A Aziz


Conventional methods of marking school attendance involve a commonplace circumstance in which understudies sit in a homeroom and the educator gets down on the names of understudies exclusively to stamp their participation. The records are usually kept using hard resources like pen and paper. This process was extremely laborious, required a lot of hard-copy record keeping, and lacked a centralized form of reference. Thus, this paper proposes a framework that intends to stamp participation naturally through face acknowledgment. This framework naturally distinguishes understudies in the homeroom and records their participation by perceiving their appearances. The system captures real-time human faces in the class and matches them against a reference dataset of faces, marking the student's attendance for future reference.


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