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Design and Fabrication of Agricultural Waste Shredder Machine

Mahadev k, B Mohammed Adil, Abhishek Y K, Manish Kumar, Amith Acharya


The scope of this work is to design and develop a Shredder machine focusing on chopping of agricultural wastes such as coconut leaves, areca leaves etc., and this chopped waste can then be used to prepare the vermin-compost. Concepts were developed with reference of 4 completely different device machines and in operation processes. This idea is incorporated by considering the security issue users in operation atmosphere and maintenance. Focusing the need of users requirement and purchasing for capability, a prototype was fabricated. The main parts in this equipment which are three-phase motor, bearings, structural frame, cutter and a shaft. The shredder equipment frame is built by using a material mild steel and stainless steel for cutter tip preparation. There are two cutters are mounted on the shaft. The power derived from the electrical motor which is transmitted to cutter shaft through a belt drive assembly. Cutting action is formed within the chopping house because of the result of tensile, friction, and impact result in chopping method. The chopped waste is finally collected at the bottom.

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