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Crank Pedal Operated Washing Machine

Shailesh Kartik Bhandare, Atul Salunkhe, Palash Shinde, Chirag Kharat, Kiran Sakate, Laxmikant Joshi


In many cities, electricity is a big problem, so having an electric washing machine is of no use, so people have to wash their hands by hand. We have developed this crank pedal-operated washing machine that does not require electricity and also helps people's exercise and body. This machine is completely eco-friendly without any hassle.

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Shailesh Bhandare, Atul Salunkhe, Palash Shinde, Chirag Kharat, Kiran Sakate, & Laxmikant Joshi. (2021). Crank Pedal Operated Washing Machine. Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 4(2), 1–3.

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