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Water-to-Fuel Conversion Technologies: A Comprehensive Review

Anant Dattatray Awasare, Vahid M Jamadar


Water-to-fuel conversion technologies represent a promising avenue for sustainable energy production, offering a clean and renewable solution to the growing global demand for alternative fuels. This paper provides a comprehensive review of recent advancements in water-to-fuel conversion, focusing on electrolysis, photocatalysis, and emerging technologies. The study delves into the efficiency improvements, catalyst innovations, and economic viability of these conversion processes. Challenges, such as technical limitations and economic considerations, are discussed, and potential solutions are explored. The review also highlights the integration of water-to-fuel technologies with existing energy systems and assesses their environmental sustainability. By summarizing the current state of the field and identifying key research gaps, this paper aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts in developing efficient and scalable water-to-fuel conversion technologies for a sustainable energy future.

Cite as:

Anant Dattatray Awasare, & Vahid M Jamadar. (2024). Water-to-Fuel Conversion Technologies: A Comprehensive Review. Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 7(1), 1–3.

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