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Solar Operated Dust Collector

Akash K. K. Kavade, Ajit K. Lokhande, Rahul S. Surve, Jagdish H. Pawar


The renewable energy is very important for today’s world as in near future the non-renewable sources that we are using are going to get exhausted. The solar operated dust collector is a step in saving these non-renewable sources of energy. Today more than ever we see and feel the consequences of the climate change. From melting ice caps, to the rising sea levels, weather changes and temperature rises, there are more and more natural disasters that we learn about from the news. People have come up with many different kinds of methods and solutions in order to fight these changes but not many of them are as effective as needed. Thus we need to step on more complex approaches and more general and interlinked solutions for solving the pressing problems. The technology that can help us to maintain our environmental climate, and also help in our daily lives. We offer Smart Solar dust collector as one possible solution that can slightly change our way of living for better. Solar dust collector can help us to reduce the pollution to collect the sun rays, provide a better platform to collection of dust which is helps to environment.
Keywords: Solar dust collector, solar panel, battery

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