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Solar Operated Water Purifier

R. V. Humane, Kajal Meshram, Anjali Sabal, Nikhil Pardeshi, Shubham Pullarwar, Tejas Koltewar, Vaishnavi Pandhurkar


In this paper, we are making a water purifier which works on solar energy. The basic principle behind this project is reverse osmosis. The solar radiations are collected by solar panel. This energy is then stored in a battery. The battery is connected to the purification, reverse osmosis system The high pressure creates the necessary pressure required to carry out reverse osmosis the water tank and prevents it from over flow Then water get purified through the filter use like carbon filter sediment filter also we use TDS so that water could have all necessary minerals then finally water goes through UV filter. Through this process we obtain the purified water in the water tank.


Keywords: Solar panel, purifier, UV

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