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Body Control using AVR Microcontroller

Lokesh Rathod, K. B. Ramesh


We'll talk about ways to enhance the current car control system in this article. The output of the vehicle switching system, such as the horn, headlights, and so on, is quite complicated in terms of wiring. To overcome such a complicated web of wires, the Body Control Module is being designed and suggested for cars. The Body Control Module is in charge of controlling the fundamental toggle (ON/OFF), as well as the tasks of switching and loading given with automobiles. The Switching settings are almost all consolidated to one area. Output duties including such headlights, park lights, sirens, starters, indications, and so on. The module's heart is a microcontroller that comes pre-programmed including a code for controlling the switches and other functions. Whenever a sensor is triggered, the Body Modules receive the signal; the device then scans the message and generates the outlet sign for the associated intake. As a result, a completely regulated, secured characteristics system regulating the automobile keys makes the driving even more appropriate, cautious, and realistic. For safeguarding purposes, the device regularly reviews the power consumed by the operational charges, and if the observed power load resistance exceeds the Set limitations, that load is disabled, maintaining stack unaffected. Traditionally, firmly connected straight switching are used to operate controls in individual cars.


Keywords: AVR, body control, circuit

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