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Study, Design and Fabrication of Various Drive in Local Dishwasher Machine

Kavish G. Gaurkhede, Umesh E. Hiwase


In today's competitive environment, a lot of human functions have been mechanized. Automated dishwashing machines have a lag time. Machines that simply use high velocity water have the potential for creating filthy dishes and failing to remove stubborn strains. Semiautomatic Dishwasher Machine" with shower and water jet introduced in this work in order to address the aforesaid issues. It is the goal of this project to develop and manufacture a semiautomatic dishwasher that is both time- and labor-saving. The spray arm on most conventional dishwashers isn't long enough to reach every region of the dish. As a result, we created the circular rack and spray arm in the middle of the machine to distribute the water evenly around the dish. There is a significant reduction in cycle time, power use, and water consumption as compared to a manual machine. 

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