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Approach to Design Smart Garbage Dustbin System

Shephali Rakhunde, Shreya Ghavghave, Shraddha Jagtap, Priyanka Chimegaokar, J. Y. Hande


This project smart garbage dustbin system is a very smart system which will help to keep our cities clean. This project can reduce their time and effort in an efficient manner. Automation is that the most demand able feature currently daily. For this purpose, smart dustbins are a much suitable approach. It will be helpful to develop a green and smart city. For this, we have to develop an automatic smart dustbin which will first be able to detect the current status of the garbage bin sends the information to the garbage collection vehicle employee. They can immediately take action to empty. It ultimate helps to keeping cleanness in the society and hence the expansion of diseases caused by waste material is reduced. This paper gives an inclusive and detailed survey of waste management models. Entirely, this paper suggests the topology of the waste management system which is the smart procedure as key enabling expertise in existing waste management system.


Keywords: Vending machine, ultrasonic sensor, IOT module

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