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Layout work on Implementation of 8*8*8 led cube based on IOT

Shivam D. Vyas, Varsha P. Rajgire, Rahul S. Jumale, Shivam D. Vyas, V.M. Dhumal


In this modern era the technologies get improve and the branch of electronics get enhance day by day with some fresh research and development. As new electronic devices have been developing so we are circumambient with them like photo printer, sensor, electronic home appliances and many more. Here many devices have shown in 2-dimensional format view so we have moved to display the information into 3-D format by using net structure of LEDs. Our project is an 8*8*8 LED Cube, this will show the various display of graphics and illusion of models. As 8*8*8 LED Cube is made up of 8 LEDs layers with each layer having 64 LEDs. All the LEDs has soldered in each cathode legs. Here there are 8 “cathode” layers and 64 “anode” columns of 8*8*8 LED cube. There are 512 LEDs in our project. So we can display number of animation, characters and objects. With the help of mobile phone we are able to display the massages on the cube. We can modify the massages as per user needed with the help of mobile through the API. The main aim of this project is to implement the 8*8*8LED depend an IOT which gives a 3-D view, powered by AVR ATMEGA328P microcontroller. This cube of LEDs is red in columns embedded C++ programming through which multiplexing, serial in parallel out shift registers. This is not occurring often system that display to permit and achieve a slight difference in contain limits of acts with 3D LED cube like representing text graphics etc.”.


Keywords: LED Cube, ATMEGA, AVR


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