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Spy Robot for Military Application Using Wi-Fi Module

Anita Jadhav, Prachi Jadhav, Pooja Magdum, Kiran N Patil


In this paper, we will deliberate how to control robot controlled car using Wi-Fi module through an android mobile phone. A new version of wireless controlled vehicle is proposed for spying purposes. This robot supposes a movable spy robot with wireless system. The spy robot is made up of an IP camera, DC motors, servo motors for camera rotation, solar cells instead of the regular lithium rechargeable ion batteries, and four movable wheels. Smart phone camera is used as an IP camera to capture livestreaming video surrounding the robot and that information will be appeared in user’s smart phone GUI window. In this vehicle, the signals transmitted from the user’s smartphone are used for vehicle motion and then the camera mounted on robot will take the video livestreaming. This livestreaming information is sent back to the user’s smart phone via wifi wireless system.


Keywords: Microcontroller, Wi-Fi, smartphone, DC motor

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