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Carbon Sequestration Using Micro Algae under CO2 Supply

D. Lingaeswar, Sharmila. K, G. R. Seenivasan, B. Vignesh


Carbon Dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas produced by combustion of fossil fuels is the main cause for global warming. To reduce the greenhouse effect in sustainable manner the carbon dioxide sequestration is employed. Many studies were carried out in the areas of CO2 sequestration using microalgae. Microalgae are fast growing photosynthetic organisms, consumes nutrient from the medium and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight.  For this purpose, photosynthetic process is given importance for which it produces useful by-products of biomass, oxygen and hydrogen. Some selected strains of microalgae act as natural sinks for carbon dioxide. The photobioreactor was designed in such a way that to grow micro algae under various experimental conditions. The experiment is done to find the biomass production with the external supply of CO2.

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