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Rating on the Basis of LEED for Efficient Energy Use in High-Rise Complexes

Vikrant Prasad


Sign language can assist hearing and deaf-mute individuals in communicating more effectively. A mechanism is provided by the above-mentioned system to achieve the same outcomes as two-way communication. The presented approach is intended to facilitate sign-to-speech translation. A translator is unnecessary because real-time conversion is used. The device mimics the deaf or mute individual's voice. For people with disabilities, this project is a step in the right direction. By making it more portable, efficient, and practical, as well as by making it compatible with more signs and dynamic signs, this could be made even better. This can be made even better to make it compatible with mobile phones that use the phone's built-in digital camera. Using an extended transceiver module or Wi-Fi, we can widen the gap at which it can be used.

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