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Advanced Treatment Methods for Saline Water– A Review

Yashas R, Yashaswini M, Prajwal S, N B Vishwanath, B V Shreyas, K N Vishwanath



The rise in population has significantly increased daily water demand, creating a demand to explore the alternative sources, including saline water. Over time, technological advancements in water purification have made it easier to obtain portable water from brackish and sea sources.


Our review paper offers an overview of current saline water quantities and proposes solutions through desalination, membrane- based processes and filter media. Extensive work in desalination methods effectively separated almost salt-free water from sea or brackish water. As a result, the desalination process emerged as a global solution for water scarcity. The ongoing demand for a significant volume of drinking water spurred advancements in process improvements and technology, including the introduction of an innovative technique utilizing non-woven geotextile to reduce saline content in seawater, particularly beneficial in coastal regions.

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