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Swetha Jyothi Prakash P, Jikhil Joseph


Preserving historical monuments and implementing essential repair and reinforcement measures is crucial for ensuring their survival for future generations.The existence of the building entirely relies on the concrete structure it is made of. Depending on the mixing proportions and composition, as well as the process of wetting, the properties of concrete can vary significantly. Therefore, it is essential to conduct concrete strength testing whenever feasible. Prior to the application of any repair/strengthening method, a damaged structure must be thoroughly analysed and the reasons behind the damage must be studied. Such information can be acquired without causing damage to the structure or modifying its original conditions. Concrete hammer testing and ultrasound testing methods are now considered outdated, as newer, advanced testing methods have become more prevalent in structural investigations. Some of the advanced non-destructive test methods are Infrared Thermal Imaging, Remote Visual Inspection, Phased Array Ultrasonic Technique, Eddy Current Testing and Computed Radiography.

Therefore, it is feasible to carry out repairs or maintenance activities on historic structures, which serve as significant representations of the historical identity of their region, while preserving their natural condition and avoiding any additional damage.

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