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Development of an Enhanced Automated Software Complexity Measurement System

Sanusi B.A., Olabiyisi S.O., Afolabi A.O., Olowoye, A.O.


Code Complexity measures can simply be used to predict critical information about reliability, testability, and maintainability of software systems from the automatic measurement of the source code. The existing automated code complexity measurement is performed using a commercially available code analysis tool called QA-C for the code complexity of C-programming language which runs on Solaris and does not measure the defect-rate of the source code. Therefore, this paper aimed at developing an enhanced automated system that evaluates the code complexity of C-family programming languages and computes the defect rate. The existing code-based complexity metrics: Source Lines of Code metric, McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity metrics and Halstead Complexity Metrics were studied and implemented so as to extend the existing schemes.

The developed system was built following the procedure of waterfall model that involves: Gathering requirements, System design, Development coding, Testing, and Maintenance. The developed system was developed in the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (2019) using C-Sharp (C#) programming language, .NET framework and MYSQL Server for database design. The performance of the system was tested efficiently using a software testing technique known as Black-box testing to examine the functionality and quality of the system. The results of the evaluation showed that the system produced functionality of 100, 100, 75, 75, and 100 %, and quality of 100, 100, 75, 75, and 100 % for the source code written in C++, C, Python, C# and JavaScript programming languages respectively. Hence, the tool helped software developers to view the quality of their code in terms of code metrics. Also, all data concerning the measured source code was well documented and stored for maintenance and functionality in the possibility of future development.

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