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Automatic Water Dispenser Machine

Ankit Kumar, Abhishek Madhukar, Piyush ku. Dewengan, Suyash Ramteke, Kauleshwar Prasad, Sargam Gupta


The year 2020 came with lots of challenges for the entire world from every sector of known work fields we know. There were several challenges in the lockdown and the world started to become contactless. All the people of the world have distanced themselves from each other and from every other thing which is used in public. For this reason, we produced the most important need of our life WATER. Every human needs water at intervals and takes water or fills their bottles from the water dispenser machines. We have created a contactless automatic water dispenser machine using the Arduino code to prevent people from coming in contact through the usage of the tap machines. The best use of this machine can be made by keeping the people contactless from the machine and the wastage of the water can also be controlled.

The report consists of the working and results of the water dispenser machine and consists of the future scope and implementation that can be done to improvise the project and increase the level of the project to be used professionally at schools and MNCs. The automatic water dispenser machine is totally based on contactless to minimize the contact between people. It not only prevents people from coming in contact but it also helps in the prevention of gathering the crowd. This model id developed to prevent people from this pandemic in social places like parks, offices, schools, etc. and protect them from getting infected by several diseases also.

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