Chamber Gas Monitoring System using KNN Algorithm and Wireless Protocol
It is known from history of explosions there were many occurrences of loss of life and property due to hazardous gas leakage and sudden outbreak of poisonous chemical gases. The damage was tremendous and huge destruction of life occurred. Thus, there is a need of an efficient and smart system that can predict, process and can do the data acquisition in a quick lap. The system should relay all the parameters to a computational sub-system through which processing should take place. We have designed an electronic microcontroller system that is capable of transmitting data at a faster rate and fetch the data back after applying prediction algorithm; it also provides visual interface for the user to know about the datum and status of the chambers and can log all the necessary information into the user interface.
Keywords: DS18B20 sensor, BMP280 sensor, ROC, IoT (internet of things), Wi-Fi, JavaScript
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