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Design of a Smart Measuring Glass/Frame to Display the Analog Voltage

Darakhshan Zafar, Faez Ahmed Khan, Debasis Roy


This article presents the design of a voltmeter using Arduino and displays the value on a smart glass via Bluetooth technology. Actually the project is based on safety prospective of workers who are working on a high voltage system, the system is designed in such a way that a worker can get information about the condition of the instrument, that he/she is handling through the smart glass with the help of Bluetooth technology. Here Arduino is used as voltmeter, store the analog data and transmit via Bluetooth device to the smart glass where another Bluetooth module is also implemented to collect the data. When we display data on the screen of a smart glass, we use lights telescopic property of reflection. The process will reduce the risk factor associated with high voltage system. Also the application of this system is user friendly which gives comfort to the workers working in the industries where high voltage instruments are being used. In today’s era the technology upgrades rapidly, so it becomes necessary to improve the safety prospective. This project will only give us an idea to initialize the smart technology in the field of safety in engineering/Technology.


Keywords: Arduino, bluetooth module (HC-05), smart glass, voltmeter

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