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E-Resources Kinds, Organization & Management with Specific Reference to E-Reference Sources: Initiatives and Issue

Vijay P. Satao


The article emphasize on the Significance, deliberates the main features of e-resources, kinds of e-resources and the effects of e-reference sources on research, progress and other theoretical activities. This article also deliberates the selection process of e-reference sources, institute of e-reference sources and enclosing the e -reference policy in an association. It is attempted to make the higher Education Student and Researcher and People Awe about E-resources to get Information In minimum Times. Distribution of e-reference service, main issues involved and many initiatives required on the part of librarians and top administration of numerous organizations are also discussed extravagantly.


Keywords: Features of E-collection, effect of E-Reference service, selection process, organization of E- reference sources, framing E- reference policy, delivery of E-reference service

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