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Review Report on Characterization of Integrated Circuits

N. Greeshmanth


System on Chip devices are growing rapidly and it has led to increasing demand for characterization to ensure a working design. Characterization is an important part in the product life cycle and ensures that the products meet the specification requirements with a good performance range. In this review paper, the characterization steps are discussed along with statistical analysis (Cpk) required to ensure good compliance range of the semiconductor device. It also discusses the importance of corner devices in characterization process. In this work, USB type-C controller IC device manufactured by Cypress semiconductors is characterized according to the discussed methodology and the Cpk results of the parameters characterized is determined to be above the standard value of 1.33 which results in good performance range. The corner devices pass the Cpk test too which is a testament to the robustness of the device.


Keywords: Process capability index (Cpk), corner device, characterization


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