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Cross Layer Design and Optimization Techniques for IoT Module

Amruta Suhas Salunkhe, Yuvraj K. Kanse, Suhas S. Patil


It is clearly observed wireless networks provide a backbone to technologies and lifestyle and that’s the very reason demand for wireless network of high speed and uninterrupted data is increasing on daily basis. This it provides a reason for more development in the wireless network domain. We are already familiar with the concept of TC P/IP reference model which is widely used in wireless network. But as we are moving further with other developing technologies this reference model is lacking to provide various aspects like data security, Q os, latency, etc. But recently researchers and scientist in communication field have come up with solution for developing this layered architecture called cross layered design architecture. Cross layered design states not only sharing information among all the layers but also providing benefits of integration, high adaptively, etc. there are also large number of models of cross layer design architecture proposed by various engineers and developers. But to accept one form of this design universally there are various issues that need to be considered first. As this is a recently emerging concept, to develop a reliable model of cross layer design there are a lot of problems that need to be in light. In this paper we are trying to put forward the issues or disadvantages which need to overcome for better network facilities. Also, we will discuss how these issues may prove a major disadvantage if not solved.


Keywords: Cross layer design, issues, challenges, standards, protocols wireless network system

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