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System for ECG Monitoring Using Arduino UNO

Rajeev Bhardwaj


Health today is a huge challenge for everyone, and keeping track of one's fitness on a daily basis is essential to living a healthy life. However, medical checkups these days are expensive and time-consuming, so people often skip them or can't do them on a daily basis, leaving them vulnerable to serious illness. This report proposes a low-cost, high-accuracy IOT-based wearable health monitoring system in light of the issue at hand. The pulse sensor MAX30100, the temperature sensor NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient), the OLED display, and Bluetooth HC-05 make up the proposed model. The proposed framework estimates heartbeat, oxygen level, internal heat level and work out time date year and month utilizing the beat sensor MAX 30100, Temperature sensor NTC, RTC DS1307 and show these information on the 0.96 OLED show so client can actually look at his/her wellness level at continuous. The user can also view these data on his or her mobile phone. The user can either save these data to their mobile device or upload them to the cloud, where any authorized user can log in and view the data, even if that person is far away from the user. This kind of system has the advantage of being inexpensive and offering precise results. The mobile application is made up of three parts. The first part shows data and saves it to the device and uploads it to the cloud. The second part counts how many steps the user took and how many calories they burned. The third part takes data from the user and decides if the user is in danger mode. If the user is in danger mode, the status will change to "Danger" and the name of the disease will also be shown in the android app to indicate that the patient will have this disease. Only two kinds of diseases can be predicted using the proposed method—heart disease and fever.

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