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Ayurvedic Management of Pakshaghata Wsr to Ekangaghata (Monoplegia)) With Line of the Treatment - A Single Case Study

Dr. J.A.N. Sandamali, Dr. D. P. P. S. De Silva


Paralysis is defined as loss of contraction due to interruption of one or more motor pathways from the brain to the muscle fibers. complete or partial loss of function especially when involving the motor or sensory function in a part of the body. Paralysis is classified according to the affected location of the body including monoplegia, hemiplegia, paraplegia, and quadriplegia.  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Ayurvedic management of Pakshaghata (Monoplegia) regarding improvement of sensory and motor function with relevant treatment protocol. The present case study was a single case study carried out within 26 days and conducted at ward no 3 in National Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital Borella, Sri Lanka. Reported case was a 56-year-old female patient with a history of sudden onset of weakness of left upper limb altered with sensation (Monoplegia). The patient was previously healthy with an unremarkable medical history. Motor and sensory function assessment according to clinical assessment criteria, and it was used to evaluate the effects of treatments in every week. Within 26 days of treatment, 19 types of preparation of drugs were used as internal and external application including Kashaya, vatee, kalka, churna, taila, leha and vashpa sweda using specialized decoction. After this treatment, motor function has been improved significantly and according to analyzed data, study prove that this treatment protocol has provided better improvement. Further studies using dissimilar cases are suggested to conduct to further studies.

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According to analyzed data, study show that this treatment protocol has provided better improvement subjected to Pakshagata (Ekangaghata/ Monoplegia). Within 26 days of treatment, 19 types of preparation of drugs were used as internal and external application including Kashaya (decoctions), vatee (Pill), kalka (Paste), churna (Powder), and taila (Oil). Externally carried out the 5 types of treatment procedures including Shirsha abhyanga using Triphala thaila, Hastha abhyanga using Vata viduranga thaila, Kaluduru tippili lehaya mixed with bee honey applied on tongue, Bebila kshira Kashaya vashpa sweda for face and finally, application of Gaslabu diyalabu pattuwa. Associated with these treatment procedures physiotherapy to be continuous respectively. After this treatment, motor and sensory function has been improved significantly and it is clinically predictable through this case study.


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