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Contribution of Liquid Asphalt in the Fluctuation of Poisson Ratio of Reinforced Earth Model

Saad Issa Sarsam


Poisson’s ratio is a suitable measure of the amount of lateral strain in the soil caused due to the vertical strain of the soil. It is an essential measure of the strength property of the soil. In the present work, an attempt has been made to construct an embankment model in the laboratory using Gypseous soil. Earth reinforcement (aluminum strips) and soil stabilization with liquid asphalt (emulsion and cutback) have been implemented in the preparation of the model. The embankment model was subjected to dynamic compressive stresses, and the vertical and horizontal strains were monitored under each load repetition. The Poisson ratio was calculated and its fluctuation among the loading period and layer depth was detected and analyzed. It was observed that a restricted fluctuation of the Poisson ratio was observed under absorbed condition as compared with that at dry test condition for control model. Higher Poisson ratio was obtained when the soil was stabilized with emulsion while lower Poisson ratio was reached when cutback asphalt was implemented in the stabilization as compared with the control model.

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