Behavior and Performance of Geopolymer Concrete in Reinforced Concrete Structures: A Comprehensive Review
Geopolymer concrete (GPC), synthesized from industrial by-products such as fly ash and slag, has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional Portland cement concrete due to its environmental benefits and comparable mechanical properties. This review paper explores the behavior and performance of geopolymer concrete in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, focusing on both monotonic and cyclic loading conditions. It highlights key aspects such as the material properties of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete, bond strength between reinforcement and geopolymer, flexural behavior, and structural performance under static and dynamic loads. The review also examines the effects of reinforcement, curing conditions, and mix design on the mechanical behavior of geopolymer concrete beams and columns. Existing experimental studies demonstrate that geopolymer concrete exhibits high compressive strength, low shrinkage, and resistance to environmental degradation, making it a viable option for structural applications. Additionally, the research suggests that the behavior of geopolymer concrete under cyclic loading is comparable to that of traditional concrete, with significant potential for use in seismic and fatigue-resistant structures. Despite promising results, further studies are necessary to fully understand the long-term performance of geopolymer concrete in large-scale structural applications.
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