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Analysis procedure of heart disease using MRI segmentation and Categorization of diseases

Shariful Islam, Mst. Asma Khatun


In this work, heart disease prophecy and categorization instrument is proposed based on MRI local segmentation and Lasso net categorization (LSLN) machine learning technique. In the brain MRI scan model, segmentation is normally utilized measuring system. The heart apparition of the anatomical segment can give the tumour or disease information. After the pre-processing stage image has been processed for categorization position, in this lasso net regression model is used for deterioration and classifier. The principal significant of this analysis work remains to find out the heart disease analysis and classify the disease. The performance metrics have calculated at final such as PSNR, efficiency, throughput, F1-score as 96.22%, 96.83%, 97.43%, and 97.58% respectively. The outcomes which are obtained have more improvement, and these are competing with current technology.

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