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Parameters of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease ( Pid ) Include Objectives, Etiology, Pathophysiology, Histopathology, Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis And Treatment

G. Sri Manjula Reddy, Ramanjaneyulu D. V., Muralinath E., Guruprasad M., Sravani Pragna K., Manjari P., Sony Sharlet E., T. Nikhil, V. Yaswanth Sai, D. Kusuma Latha, R. Faith Rani, P. Megha Varna


An infection in women causes inflammation of the upper genital tract, which is known as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). The illness affects the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and/or uterus. Usually starting in the lower genital tract, it is an ascending infection. Sexually transmitted infections are linked to PID in most cases. The cause, pathophysiology, and presentation of PID are explained in this activity, which also emphasizes the importance of the interprofessional team in managing the condition.

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