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System Intrusion Detection and Countermeasure Selection in Virtual Network Systems

Ajinkya S. Shewale, Prajakta S. Kumbhar, Dhanashri N. Bhosale


This research paper is to analyze to identify the possible attacks, collecting information related to that attack and then stopping the detection incidents. In this present time cloud computing has used in many organization, so the cloud security is one of the most important issues. Because of this cloud user can install vulnerable software on their machine. So to protect the machine from attacks network intrusion detection and countermeasure selection (NICE) is proposed. This system can detect the intrusion data and take the specific action to protect the systems.

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Chun-Jen Chung, Pankaj Khatkar, TianyiXing, Jeongkeun Lee and Dijiang Huang: Nice-Network Intrusion Detection and Countermeasure Selection in Virtual Network Systems:IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2013.10(4):198-211p.

Cloud Security Alliance: Top Threats to Cloud Computing v1.0: v1.0.pdf, Mar. 2010.

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B. Joshi, A. Vijayan, and B. Joshi: Securing Cloud Computing Environment Against DDoS Attacks: Proc. IEEE Intl Conf. Computer Comm. and Informatics (ICCCI 12), Jan. 2012.


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