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Using CNN to Detect Cancerous Cells in White Blood Cells from Bone Marrow through Microscopic Images

Pooja S, Megha G S


Around 1percent of total of all blood is made up of leukocytes, which are produced in the bone marrow the extreme growth at early stage of these white blood cells. As a result, the model may be used to accurately determine the kind of cancer in the bone marrow. The proposed work uses the SN-AM dataset to give a strong methodology for the classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Multiple Myeloma (MM) among the three types of malignancies. ALL is a cancer in which the bone produces an excessive number of lymphocytes. Hereby, they produce in bulk and prevent the production of new blood cells. Conventionally, the process was carried out by a skilled person manually in a less time period. Using deep learning, such as CNN, the suggested model eliminates the possibility of human mistake in the manual process. The model processes prior the photos and draw out the best attributes after being trained on cell pictures. This is obtained by instructing the model with the optimized Dense CNN framework (termed DCNN here) and finally anticipate the type of cancer present in the cells. The model was able to reproduce all the measurements correctly while it recollected the samples with 94 overall over 100. The overall accuracy was 97.2 percent, which is superior than traditional machine learning approaches such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Naive Bayes, among others. According to this research, the much fewer parameters, the DCNN model performs similarly to conventional CNN designs. on the obtained dataset, the computing time was evaluated.

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