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Survey Report on Hospital Management System

Shinde Vrushali, Sandhanshiv Shivani, Suryawanshi Poonam, G.M. Lodha


An organized computer system designed and programmed to manage the day-to-day operations and activities of the hospital is known as a hospital management system. Inpatients, outpatients, records, database treatments, illness status, and pharmacy and laboratory billings can all be examined by the program. Additionally, it keeps up with the clinic's data, For example, WARD ID, Specialists IN Control AND Office Overseeing. The primary issue that patients face today is not being able to access their report when they are outside of the hospital, despite the fact that many hospitals keep reports in their systems. We will provide the additional facility necessary to store the report in the database and make it accessible from anywhere in the world as part of this project.

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Aronson et. al., (2003) J. Managing hospitals requires

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G.M.Lodha (2014) Search Based Software Testing


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