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Manufacturing Industry Workplace Safety Using Image Processing

Tony Punnoose Valayil, Dhinesh Kumar, Hari Krishnan, Nihilkarthi k, Rajasekar V.


Safety measures, plays a major role in all industrial sectors. Even Government had enforced some safety measures to the industries before it is constructed. This paper focuses on the safety measures within the industry after it is constructed with the help of artificial intelligence, image processing and computer vision. These techniques are introduced using MATLAB software. The safety measure which focuses is intruder awareness and object misplacement. Intruder awareness deals about person entering into an area where he/she had no authority. To rectify this problem the entire working official’s images in the factory are trained in the image labeler using Aggregate Channel Features (ACF) and faces from the video are detected by Viola Jones (VJ) algorithm. Object misplacement deals about the tool misplacement in the industry. The same algorithm is used to detect the object also

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