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Chemical Safety Analysis in Watch Case Plant Manufacturing Industry

Mahesh Raj R, Muthukumar K, Anugeetha Shine


The objective of the projects is to analyze the chemical usage in various department and divisions in watch manufacturing industry. In watch manufacturing industry there are numerous numbers of chemicals has been used inside the premises comprises of various department and divisions along with it. There are 303 major chemicals has been used inside the premises. Every chemical used inside the industry has a toxicity and fire risk potential effects to the workers who handled and used the chemical in daily basics. Among the departments, case plant has a major contribution of chemical handling in watch manufacturing industry. About 53 percentage of chemical handling and usage has been done in case plant. To find out the chemical toxicity and fire risk, the recommended analysis has been carried out to find out the vulnerable chemical has been used inside the industry. Fire and explosion index and fire risk assessment has occupied a vital role throughout the analysis and help to identify the vulnerable chemicals. Through the analysis, we obtain the results of what are the safety gaps (or) deviations present inside the industry and recommend the solution based on it. This paper also provides a recommendation for the fire risk assessment of chemicals and ensure to establish and can manage fire safety and toxic safety effectively.

Cite as

Mahesh Raj R, Muthukumar K, & Anugeetha Shine. (2022). Chemical Safety Analysis in Watch Case Plant Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Advanced Research in Industrial Engineering, 4(1), 1–10.

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