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Ergonomic study in Hosiery Garments under Posture Analysis

Jayaprakash R, Muthukumar K


The Objective of the Projects is to analyse the Garment workers in various departments such as Sewing machine, ironing and Packing. The workplace has the capability to negatively affect employee’s overall performance in a whole lot of approaches, inclusive of dissatisfaction, minor or extreme injuries that limit employees capability to complete ordinary obligations, or even death in intense situations. Musculoskeletal diseases are one of the most common causes of decreased productiveness in the latest workplace. Because of high repetitive work and awkward work postures, have discovered musculoskeletal risk factors connected with the textile industries. In terms of self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms, the manufacturing employees had significantly higher symptom scores than the group with more diversified work duties for the head, neck, shoulders, and arms, but not for the low back, hips, or lower extremities. Individual parameters had intricate relationships with symptoms in the head and low back. Textile stitching machine operators are exposed to hazards and pain that accumulate over time due to prolonged activity. So, this study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional design in which textile sewing machine, Ironing and Packing operators were analysed using REBA method.

Cite as

Jayaprakash R, & Muthukumar K. (2022). Ergonomic study in Hosiery Garments under Posture Analysis. Journal of Advanced Research in Industrial Engineering, 4(1), 1–7.

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