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Development of Industrial Grade Dust Collector

MD Aamer Ahmed, Srihari P V


Dust Emissions from manufacturing plants cause air pollution, which has an    environmental impact and public health in the surrounding area. We can't breathe healthy air in industries with a harmful environment. Dust plays a key role in air pollution, and separating pure air from polluted air is a major obligation. It is necessary to adjust the viewpoint to discrete the fine dust from the air. The sum of all fine materials suspended in the air that are dangerous to human health is known as dust particulate matter. Smoke, Soot, Pollen, and dust are all part of the complex composition. Cyclone separators are used to remove particulates from the air. It is critical to accurately predict cyclone performance while developing an industrial dust collection system. The details of design parameters and CFD on various types of cyclone separator configurations and manufacturing of the industrial dust collector. Lapple, Shepherd, classical cyclone design (CCD) standard methods were used to proportion and design the cyclone separator machine. The dirt-laden air flows in two vortexes, the inner and outer vortexes, and this device functions as a scrubber, collecting the particles in the dust collected dust bin before releasing the clean air stream into the atmosphere. The cyclone pressure loss varies with entrance velocity and not with diameter. The findings of the simulation will be used to estimate the cyclone separator primary performance characteristics.

Cite as

MD Aamer Ahmed, & Srihari P V. (2022). Development of Industrial Grade Dust Collector. Journal of Advanced Research in Industrial Engineering, 4(2), 1–10.

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