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Hazardous Gas Detector in Sewer & Dump Yard

Vahid Jamadar, Tushar Jamale, Abhishek Pawar, Ganesh Patil, Kaustubh Kanade, Shivraj Patil


This study investigates the concept of creating a handy, portable instrument to identify and track dangerous gas in dump yards and sewers. This study is concerned with the safety of workers in drainage systems and waste sites. These so-called sewer gases can be detected by making use of different sensor like MQ137, H2S V1.0, CCS811 CO2& MS1100 VOC which can detect carbon dioxide, volatile organic compound VOC, ammonia & hydrogen sulphide gases are interfaced with ESP32 microcontroller, LCD display & WI-FI ESP32 module can collectively produce an output which can alert the people in that area & also can inform the presence of sewer gases to the authorities through android app, thereby preventing or decreasing the chance of risk.

Cite as:

Vahid Jamadar, Tushar Jamale, Abhishek Pawar, Ganesh Patil, Kaustubh Kanade, & Shivraj Patil. (2024). Hazardous Gas Detector in Sewer & Dump Yard. Journal of Advanced Research in Industrial Engineering, 6(2), 1–8.

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