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Assistive Technologies for Visual Impairment

Osyo Olatden


The Nigerian banking assiduity has betteredtechnology-wise yet still lacking in some ways. The need to make vittles for persons with special requirements can not be overemphasized enough. This composition is written to produce mindfulness about the lack of assistive bias for persons with visual impairment in the Nigerian banking assiduity. It explains the meaning and description of visual impairment, types and causes of visual impairment. This composition elucidates on the description of assistive technologies and bias, types and uses and farther explains how they can be enforced into the banking system for the benefits of persons with visual impairment.

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References Accessed: October 6, 2019. Blindness and Vision Impairment (October 11, 2018). World Health Organization (WHO). Accessed: October 6, 2019. What is Vision Impairment? - Definition, Causes & Symptoms Chapter 3 / Lesson 13. Accessed: October 6, 2019. What is AT? Assistive Technology Industry Association (2019).


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