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An IOT Based System for Health Monitoring Using Fog Computing

Mary Stella J., Santosh Pokhrel, Shourya Khare, Tarun Rana


A Survey was conducted over a 1000 deaths at random and was found out that out of 1000 almost 600 people died due to lack of knowledge of healthcare and negligence of health they were not aware of the fact that they were not at all fit. Also, the major concern of many were that absence or lack of specialist doctor. The system which we are going to propose will monitor patient’s health and the special feature is that it can be done from anywhere in the whole world remotely in which the advancements of technologies plays an important role. The goal which we want to achieve is to create a human health monitoring system with the help of internet of things for the betterment of society, the notification of the check-up will be sent to concerned person of the following parameters that includes temperature, humidity, pulse, and movement. The data once collected will then be analysed and compared to the normal and only then will be shared with full details

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