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Unsound: Software To Recognize Sign Language using Deep Learning

Dhrishya Suresh, Kajal Libi, Neeraja S Pradeep, Rajalakshmy B, Sidhik A


The extraction of complicated hand gestures with continually changing shapes for sign language identification is regarded as a difficult task in computer vision. This research proposes the recognition of American sign language movements using convolutional neural networks (CNN), a strong artificial intelligence technology. The dataset contains 87,000 images, each sized 200x200 pixels. It's designed for a classification task, with 29 different categories. These categories include the letters A-Z (26 classes), as well as three additional classes for SPACE, DELETE, and NOTHING. The goal is to train a machine learning model to correctly categorize these images into their respective classes. CNN training is carried out with a variety of sample sizes, each of which includes many sets of individuals and viewing angles. To improve recognition accuracy, various CNN architectures were created and tested using our sign language data. Alongside our sign language recognizing software (UNSOUND) we have also incorporated the conversion of text to sign language for the convenience of those who are not familiar with sign language.

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