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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Selected Nursing Interventions on Knowledge Regarding COPD Functional Capacity of Lungs and Quality of Life Among Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD in a Selected Hospital at Kota District

Dr. Ikram Qureshi, Dr. Abdul Latif, Mr. Firoz Mansuri


COPD is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is a more serious disease than asthma. COPD is rapidly affecting people all over the world, so it is very important to know about the causes and symptoms of COPD. Often people consider Asthma and COPD to be the same disease because they both have similar symptoms. Both these problems include common symptoms such as cough, phlegm and difficulty in breathing. But both these diseases are very different from each other. COPD is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is a more serious disease than asthma. COPD Disease is taking people very fast around the world, so it is very important to know about COPD. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a lung disease in which the patient cannot breathe normally. Normally the lungs are very spongy. When we inhale air, oxygen gets into our blood and carbon dioxide goes out, but COPD stops this process. The patient of COPD has difficulty in breathing and oxygen does not reach his body in full quantity. In COPD, the patient has difficulty in breathing, taking deep breaths, using his accessory muscles such as chest muscles and neck for breathing, phlegm, cough, cold, chest tightness, weight loss, heart problems, lungs Symptoms of cancer etc. can be seen. These symptoms last for a long time and with time the condition of the patient also worsens.

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