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PIC Controlled Electronic Duster

Sonam Sanjay Katare, Suresh Ghastekajal, Manali Satish Ghasghase


The project is about finding a solution for the problems caused by the chalk pieces used in the class room. To overcome the problems that are faced daily by the students and faculty, the project created ‘Electronic duster’ has been suggested to automatically erase the blackboard. Wiper motors are used for the movement of the instrument. The duster moves forward and backward erasing the board and collecting the dust automatically from the vacuums pipe due to the movement of duster. These processes are automated using PIC16F877A microcontroller. Thus the device avoids the dust flow in the environment and thereby providing good solution for the problems faced by the student, faculty and other electronic equipment’s that are used inside the class room in a cost effective and time efficient way.


Keywords: Electronic duster, pic controller

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