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Study of Micro Hydro Power Plant

Dayanand Shrivastav, Anurag Mishra, Niket Singh, D. B. Miracle


Water is an important part of human life and everyone who is living on this earth. Water is a gift given by nature to everyone. It depends upon us how we utilize the natural resources. After air water is the second abundant on earth. After coal water is the second most important and largest source of energy. According to (CEA, 2014) it contribute for 16.9% of total installed capacity of 237742.94MW. India is the 6th largest country for generation capacity of 43.7 GW (REN 21, 2014) through hydropower. As the non-renewal resources are limited in amount and will be exhaust after some time. Water is a renewal source of energy and in unlimited in amount. We are focusing on hydropower to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels because of fossil fuels are limited in amount and will exhaust after some year if we continue use fossil fuel like present. The energy generate through hydropower is clean and green compared to energy generated by other sources. Energy demand is increase day by day as the population increase day by day so to avoid the energy crisis occurs in future generation of energy required is more to fulfill the need of the population.


Keywords: Hydel, turbine, renewable


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