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Comparison and Analysis of Bio-plastic obtained from Edible and Non-edible By-product

P. Sasirekha, A. J. Aruna, L. Deepika, P. Habiba Munavvara


Plastics are made from petroleum which is an oil-based product. The characteristic of plastic is not suitable for our environment, that it takes decades for degrade. Burning can causes environment problems. Plastics also cause many health risks because of its toxic nature. Alternative to plastic are Bio-plastic, which is more eco-friendly. Bio-plastic are biodegradable plastics. These components are derived directly from renewable raw materials, a pure material of nature. Hence, an investigation has been worked out to synthesize Bio-plastic using banana peel and wheat starch and also to study its characteristics nature of Bio-plastic by using tensile strength, flame test, acid test, solubility test and compost test. Among them the comparison is made and come to a conclusion which is made with respect to all basic properties. The applications of Bio-plastic are packaging, catering product, gardening, medical product and sanitary product.

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