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Solar Power Monitoring System Using IOT

Nehali Datar, Sakshi Bhoyar, Ashar Khan, Saurabh Dekapurwar, Harshada Wankhede, Shraddha Sonone, Viraj Bapat, Nitin K. Dhote


The power generated from solar panel is to be efficiently monitored and managed to reduce the generation losses in solar power generation. Generally, we use solar plants to build in the locations where people can’t reach on daily basis so this approach will help them to virtually control their systems from faraway places. It monitors the panel load by using the IoT technologies and the data which are received from the panels are send to the cloud through the internet for the future use. It also helps the remote users to monitor the solar power plant. The user can get the information about the current and previous average parameter like voltage, temperature and current. This will facilitate the fault detection and preventive maintenance of solar. In this paper we use the application Internet of thing (IOT) to control and monitor the solar power (renewable energy). This system is designed to solve the problem occur in solar power generation like management problem, maintenance and to reduce the time of repair. Using this technology, the cost of solar energy (renewable energy) generation reduces. This also provide real time information to the user help to monitor the system. The main purpose of this paper is that the solar panel can collect or capture maximum solar radiation and maintain the system more reliably and efficiently.


Keywords: Renewable energy, IoT, cloud, remote monitoring, solar panels

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