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Water Purification Using Solar Energy

Avanti Sarode, Tuhina Chatterjee, Aishwarya Rahamatkar, Juhi Gadekar, Banrisha Kurkalang, Ruchika Nandghaye, Roshani Ahir


The aim of this work was to design a solar water treatment plant for household purpose. Water purification is the process of eradicating noxious chemicals, micro-organisms, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water. In this paper we have described a study of compact filter which is less expensive for developing countries and ease of upkeep. We have arranged a solar water disinfection system that improves the microbiological quality of drinking water at household level. We get 14 L pure water within 4 hours by using filtration method. In this system we can heat water up to 65°C. This simple solar hybrid system aids to eliminate turbidity along with chemical and pathogenic pollutants from water sources in the cheapest, and expedient method maybe.


Keywords: Solar energy, water filtration, compact filter, natural ingredients, sustainable development

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