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Review Paper on “Forearm Power Generator Machine”

Sandeep Barkamkar, Himanshu Mandavagde, Jaid Khan, Sanjaydeep Chahande, Sarang Milmile, Akshay Supare


In order to survive and thrive, man has required and utilized energy at an increasing pace ever since he first appeared on the planet a few million years ago. As a result, a significant amount of energy has been depleted and squandered. In nations with large populations, such as India and China, where fitness centres are very popular, the idea of repurposing waste energy generated by gym pulleys is a no-brainer. We're using a non-traditional approach to generate electrical power in this project by just pulling up and pulling down. Our country's reliance on non-traditional sources of energy is more important than ever. The conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy occurs via non-conventional energy sources such as pull-ups and pull-downs. Force energy is converted into electrical energy in this project. Modern technology has made it feasible to use human power in a more effective method for generating. Pull up pull down power is a great source of energy, with 95 percent of the effort put into it being turned into energy. The business has introduced a human-powered energy producing system for the public to see. To generate electricity, the user of this device must raise and lower gym equipment.


Keywords:  Battery, DC generator, rack & pinion mechanism, shaft, spring

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