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Understanding Drugs Acting on Lower Motor Neurons

Muralinath E., Pooja Devi, Prasanta Chbukdhara, Sanjib Borah, Kalyan C., Archana Jain, Guruprasad M.


The cervical, lumbar, thoracic, and sacral segments of the spinal cord's ventral (anterior) horn include LMNs. Dorsal to ventral and medial to lateral arrangement are additional features of LMNs. The LMNs that supply the trunk muscles are located ventrally and medially, while the LMNs that innervate the muscles further away are located dorsally and laterally. The topography of UMN control over LMNs also reveals this structure. On dorsal and lateral LMNs, UMNs from the corticospinal system that control the smallest motions of the hand and fingers terminate. On ventral and medial LMNs, UMNs from the reticulospinal and vestibulospinal systems that control fundamental truncal tone and posture terminate.

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